Welcome to Coffee County Register of Deeds
Holiday Closings 2023:
1/1/24 New Year’s Day
1/15/24 Martin Luther King Day
2/19/24 President’s Day
3/29/24 Good Friday
5/27/24 Memorial Day
7/4/24 July 4th
9/2/24 Labor Day
11/11/24 Veteran’s Day
11/28/24, 11/29/24 Thanksgiving Holiday
12/23/24, 12/24/24-12/25/24 Christmas Holiday
The Register’s Office is open for full service. We look forward to helping you! Make it a Great Day!

The Register of Deeds web site is designed to serve both the professional and the general public who needs to obtain information concerning recorded documents. The office is constantly working to add more history to the site.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Message: Attention Professionals needing Pricing please visit the Fee Calculator by clicking onto Fee Calculator at the top of the page…Attention Coffee County Residents and Businesses, please register for Fraud Alert by clicking onto Fraud Alert at the top of the page… The system will notify you if a lien is filed in your name… We are now e-recording! See details at the top of the page – Electronic Recording Services.
The Register of Deeds office is commissioned by Tennessee state statue to make and preserve a record of instruments required or allowed by law to be filed or recorded, including but not limited to deeds, powers of attorney, deeds of trusts, mortgages, liens, contracts, plats, leases, judgments, wills, court orders, military discharges, records under the Uniform Commercial Code, and other types of documents. The records provide public notice of property ownership, liens, contracts, and other transactions that affect the public interest. The Register of Deeds Office is given direction by state statues on how to record, index and maintain records including the detail of specific information that is required on the documents, the information that the office must place on the documents and the need for accurate indexing of the documents to allow easy accessibility. Revenues are derived from recording and filing fees and commission from the collection of State of Tennessee conveyance and mortgage taxes. Proper accounting procedures are required including the monthly financial reporting to the State Department of Revenue of all taxes collected. Audits are conducted annually by the State of Tennessee. This is a fee generated office that contributes to the budget of Coffee County.
The duties of the register can be found in Tennessee Annotated Code 8-21-1001.
Thank you for visiting the Coffee County Register of Deeds site!
Donna Toney
Coffee County Register of Deeds